Bernardo de Lemos

Asynchronous Programming and the Actor Model in Golang

This blog post provides insights into Golang’s concurrent programming features. It delves into the implementation of actors, independent entities communicating through messages. We do a walkthrough over a simple actor system implementation in go, which showcases actor creation, message sending, and concurrent message processing, highlighting the principles of the actor model.

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A Keras-like Deep Learning Crate in Rust Powered by Candle

While candle provides a low-level API for building neural network models, some users (including myself) may prefer a more intuitive and user-friendly way to define, compile, and train their models. That’s why I propose the addition of a high-level Keras-like API to candle. This API would allow users to define models in a sequential manner by adding layers one after the other. It would also provide methods for model compilation, training, and evaluation.

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Mojo - An Introduction

A first look at Mojo. In this post I scratch the surface of Mojo’s syntax and compare how its borrow semantics compare to rust’s.

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Using Actix to expose a command line tool

In this blog post, we’ll explore a Rust program that exposes an existing command-line tool via a REST API. This program leverages the Actix-web framework to create a simple HTTP server, handles HTTP requests, and interacts with an external CLI tool.

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Understanding Ord, Eq, PartialOrd, and PartialEq Traits in Rust

Rust provides several traits that are fundamental for comparing and ordering values. These traits include Ord, Eq, PartialOrd, and PartialEq. In this blog post, we’ll explore what these traits are, when they can and can’t be derived, and how they can be used to sort a vector.

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How to process and download financial data in rust

This is the first blog post of a series that will focus on time series analysis and forecasting of stock prices. This post shows how to get data from yahoo finance and parse json responses in rust.

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Rust - Dynamic dispatching and Generics

In this blog post I show the main differences between using dynamic dispatching, dyn, and generics,impl/<T>, using a simple program that creates different database connectors.

NB: this blog post assumes some familiarity with rust

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